Sectional Door and Warranty: What You Should Know

If you also believe it’s right to have excellent assistance, not only before and during the purchase, then read on.

ow many times have you purchased a product by an average between the highest price and lowest? often I imagine At that point, you thought you had found the right balance between “quality and price,” didn’t you? With this what I mean? Let me explain. If you’ve reached this conclusion, 77% of the time you’ve either been swindled or only had the illusion of having made a good deal.

Certainly the first few months you will be left satisfied, but then the first problem arrives on time. So sure of yourself, Turn at your local dealer. At that point, something understandably unexpected happens: post-sale assistance turns into a nightmare! This also applies to the warranty of our sectional door.

But first things first; You read below what the law, It should be respected.

“The statutory warranty (two years) It is recognized by sellerProduct in accordance with the Consumer Code and applicable legislation “; see the guide for consumers on the Authority’s website guaranteeing competition and market, of which we give the article.

What They do not tell you, is that often when you recherai from sellerto reclaim a product malfunction or simply help, it try to download the barrel about yourself or Manufacturer. What does it mean?

What the shopkeeper not being the producer of the sectional door, trying to evade the warranty, it often ends up transferring the repair or shipping costs to the consumer; And even when the law is followed, often the customer’s right is made to seem like a personal favor.

Despite the law being very clear, today the warranty is still entangled in inadequate post-sale assistance. Yet, the rule is clear: for two years from the purchase, the law protects you in case of product defects or non-compliance with what was promised.

Then, But, it seems that the “practical details” suffer the ‘personal interpretation shopkeepers.

  • Who pays the costs of repair?
  • And those of shipping the product to the Sales Center?
  • If I bought online the warranty is still valid?
  • Who pays the shipping and installation of the replacement product?

in conclusion, a succession of rebounds of responsibility between retailer and producer, for you, in the “best” case scenario at least it will result in a great loss of time.

And it is precisely then that you will realize how true the saying “time is money” or “you get what you pay for” is.

Once a purchase, with spending no small feat, why risk having unnecessary trouble?


He, during the statutory warranty, you thought you got away “alone” with a waste of time, henceforth for any inconvenience will be red alert!

We assume that, very often, if the price of any product is “too good to be true”, simplyit’s not true!

Initially I told you that what for you would be a bargain, it was just a way to lure you into the trap of the price upwards.

Of course you could not know that from that moment on,, for every need, even the simplest of interventions, you’d have to spend hundreds of euro; Also 300/400 €, We see every day, credici.

It happens because being themselves producers, they do not have the internal technical resale, but only of installers that provide its services as a result of further compensation.

Has it ever happened that your boiler is jammed, and a simple call to the dealer for assistance, It was transformed into an expenditure of only € 100 to rotate in a valve 5 minutes?! Here, I mean this.

As simple resellers, They can not afford to shoulder the cost of maintaining customer care. Not even for the smallest of maintenance, even during the warranty period.

Can we continue with a number of additional examples, but if you’re someone like us, I do not need it. We suggest you keep in mind the saying, “It does not hide the dust under the carpet”.

At LaClà we guarantee that if you place your trust in us, everything written in this article will not happen to you; let me explain why. We are ourselves manufacturer, sellers and installers of all our sectional door. We always have, in loco, of each piece parts, and no doubt we are ready to give you much more quickly than anyone that our competitors will have to go elsewhere. Never incurring the wrath in interminable waits or rebounds of responsibility between who knows how many people, remember you can always come and visit us in person at our house. Our delivery times are faster. And don’t forget that thanks to a handcrafted production process we have developed over more than 20 years, specializing ONLY in the production of garage doors, we guarantee you a more durable product compared to the competition. If you want to ask us to avoid inconveniences information, one one free quote.

Together with the full guarantee of our sectional door, we guarantee you:

  • the fastest delivery of the product 40%
  • more rapid assistance Efficiency 65%
  • Savings in spare parts 30%
  • longer-lasting products in time 30%