Building Practices 2021: Let’s Clarify

Complete guide for a correct building practice; about maintenanceordinary or extraordinary, building renovation with updates to 2021, CILA or SCIA.

Below we would try to clarify and give us answers to some questions that torment many non-professionals who try to make their way through the different opportunities that are available to those struggling with building practice or more simply a construction intervention.

But it is so difficult to present it? I need a technician?

With this simple and understandable guide, we would try to shed light on the different situations in which you may find yourself. You have probably paused to think about whether you need one SHAHO permission to build, a WHAT, a ordinary maintenance O extraordinary.

Furthermore, you may have wondered if you need to employ a qualified technician, such as an architect or surveyor, and if there is a risk of incurring fines or violations.

This is especially important when considering the much-desired tax deductions and the possibility of benefiting from the reduced 10% tax rate for renovations.

Let’s start with the basics.

Ordinary maintenance

These works they are performed without any title, therefore we don’t have to communicate anything to anyone. They fall within the ordinary maintenance, building interventions concerning the repair works, renovation and replacement of building finishes or necessary to integrate / maintain existing technological systems.

Per technological systems we mean the heating systems, conditioning, the water-sanitary one, air exchange, electric, cooking gas and smoke evacuation (flue or chimney).

They do not require any building permitthe demolition and reconstruction of the floors, of the plasters, partitions if they are demolished to be repositioned in the same point.

The same applies to the replacement of interior doors and exterior fixtures, the replacement of the boiler or radiators, and the installation of awnings (pay attention to condominium regulations and façade decor).

This also includes interventions for the removal of architectural barriers that do not involve the construction of external elevators or works that modify the shape of the building.

the assembling of solar panels ed photovoltaic systems,serving buildings outside zone A (Old Town);

Extraordinary maintenance (CILA or SCIA)

The extraordinary maintenance regards the works and modifications necessary to renew and replace even structural parts of buildings, as well as to create and integrate sanitary and technological services, provided that they do not alter the overall volume of the buildings and do not involve urbanistically significant changes in the use that imply an increase in the urban load.

Extraordinary maintenance includes the division or merging of housing units with the execution of works, provided that the overall volume of the buildings is not modified and the original use is maintained.

Since 2020, non-significant changes in use have also fallen under extraordinary maintenance. These are changes in use within the same functional category.

There are five categories: residential, tourist accommodation, productive – managerial, commercial, and agricultural.

Therefore, if I were to turn a restaurant into a bar, you would fall under extraordinary maintenance, as both destinations fall into the commercial category.

While if you were to transform an apartment (residential) in a bar (commercial), you would not fall under extraordinary maintenance.

These types of interventions require either the SCIA or the CILA.

CILA (Light Extraordinary Maintenance)

The whichit’s a Notification of Sworn Work Start, that is, it involves the involvement of a qualified professional (“Designer” or “certified technician”).

IMPORTANT: Being a communication, it does not require approval from the Municipality. You can start work right away, or setting a date for the submission of the application!

It is presented by the owner, or by anyone who holds a “right in rem”, at the Municipality (One-stop shop for SUE Construction) territorially competent. It can also be submitted by the tenant using the property.

A qualified professional (such as an architect, a surveyor, or an engineer) can also submit the CILA, if delegated by one of the owners (all co-owners must agree on carrying out an intervention).

The certified designer or technician is required for the compilation of declarations and declarations of its competence. The technician, in fact, declares that the works created through WHATcomply with the relevant legislation.

Interventions falling within the CILA

Changesinterior spaces, with moving partitionsand non load-bearing dividers,the creation of against plasterboard ceiling

The opening is also included, closing or movingof doors and fixtures, reconstruction of a private sewage system, Waterworks, electric, of heating, and the construction of an outdoor swimming pool, installation and laying of flue and similar.

It also includes the division of a housing unit into two or more units (subdivision) or the merging of housing units with the execution of works, provided that the overall volume of the buildings is not modified and the original use is maintained.

In this case as well, the interested party submits the project plan and the CILA to the municipal administration through a technician who certifies, under their own responsibility, that the works comply with the approved urban planning tools and current building regulations.

It should be noted that for new heating systems, it is mandatory to submit the law 10 statement signed by a professional to ensure energy savings, while for new electrical, gas, and heating systems, the declaration of conformity must be prepared by the installer.

SCIA or Building Permit (Heavy Extraordinary Maintenance)

Simplifying, the SCIA (certified notice of commencement of activity) replaces the CILA when the intervention involves works on structural elements (load-bearing walls, beams, columns, floors, etc.), for which a project prepared by an engineer and submitted to the civil engineering office (the office where structural calculations are deposited) is required.

Typical examples are the circlingof a door or window on a load-bearing wall, the construction of an attic, the roof renovation, the consolidation of foundations, of the pillars or beams, the drilling of an artesian well etc. The SCIA is also used for changes in the intended use of a property.

The most “complex” procedure, which requires authorization from the municipality, is the building permit. This is used for new constructions, elevations, expansions, or heavy renovation works.

If you have already carried out an intervention, not contrary to regulations or standards, without notifying the municipality, don’t worry, it is possible to “remedy the violation“, provided there was no increase in volume; this will incur a small fine of about €1,000 (the fine will depend on the extent of the violation).

This fine is reduced by two-thirds (€333) if the communication is made spontaneously while the intervention is still in progress, through a “late CILA or SCIA.”

As of now, it is also possible to apply for tax deductions for renovations and/or the eco-bonus for energy savings.

Indeed, you are entitled to the building renovation tax deduction (50 %) in case of Extraordinary maintenance in the properties ad exclusive use(is. apartment or single-family villa) o di ordinary maintenance in common parts(condominium).

Finally, since July 2020 it is possible to join the mythical Super bonus 110%.

LaClà is always available for consultation and to provide a quote for one of our sectional doors, which are eligible for these deductions. Contact us at 3701539930.