Extraordinary Maintenance: Deductions

Extraordinary maintenance: what deductions and what interventions it includes?

What we need to know about extraordinary maintenance, and how to take advantage of tax deductions for 2020? Whether it’s renovating your home or common parts of the condominium in which you live, it is important to distinguish whether it is Extraordinary maintenance or ordinary. Knowing the difference is important not only to request the appropriate permits and send the communication of the start of the work to the competent bodies, but also to take advantage of tax deductionsprovided.

Let’s see what extraordinary maintenance consists of, what are the jobs that fall into this category and the tax deductions that can be used.

What is extraordinary maintenance?

The definition of extraordinary maintenance is provided by Article 3 of the Consolidated Building Act, D.P.R. 380/2001. This term refers to the works and modifications necessary for:

  • renovate and replace structural parts of buildings;
  • implement and integrate sanitation and technology;
  • split or unite real estate units with execution of works including those that involve the variation of the surfaces of the individual real estate units and the urban load.

In addition, the interventions they cannot alter the volume of the buildings or involve changes in their intended use.

Interventions that are part of extraordinary maintenance.

The work of Extraordinary maintenance they are divided into interventions on external and internal works. Below thelist updated with interventions introduced by the law decree 133/2014 known as the Sblocca Italia decree.

External works:

  • remaking or new realization of external plasters;
  • replacement of external frames, window frames, blinds, shutters and with modification of material or type of frame;
  • construction of gates, railings, city ​​walls and fences;
  • opening of new doors or windows to the outside;
  • interventions aimed at creating courtyards and gardens, even with tree planting.

Internal works:

  • static consolidation of load-bearing structures of the building (both in foundation and in elevation);
  • replacement of roof slabs with others having different materials and structures without changing the ridge or eaves;
  • remaking of stairs and ramps;
  • realization and improvement of sanitation;
  • remaking or complete modification of the systems including the installation of solar or photovoltaic panels;
  • replacement of internal partitions also with modification of the distribution scheme without however altering the surfaces, volumes and intended uses;
  • splits or mergers of real estate units which, however, do not entail the modification of the distribution structure of the entire building;
  • installation of elevators and safety stairs;
  • interventions aimed at saving energy such as reducing the energy requirement for heating, thermal improvement with insulation (technique for isolating two systems that have different environmental conditions thanks to which heat exchange between the two systems is inhibited).

Procedures necessary for the execution of the works and communications:

Including the difference between the two types of maintenance, now we have to think about the necessary communications and authorizations to send and request before starting the work Extraordinary maintenance. There are two procedures in this case:

  • the WHAT that is, the communication of the beginning of the work sworn
  • and the SHAH that is, the certified notification of the start of the activity.

Even if all the Municipalities allow the single citizen to present them bothit is preferable that the declarations and assertions are drawn up and delivered by a qualified technician or by professionals such as architects or surveyors or those who carry out the work there.


The WHAT must be presented by the owner, usufructuary or tenant of the property at the one-stop shop for the building of the Municipality responsible for works of extraordinary maintenancewithout structural interventions or changes in urban planning parameters. CILA is required in the following cases:

  • remaking or creation of sewage connections that make changes to the route and characteristics of the network;
  • when changing the distribution of the rooms with the demolition and construction of partitions and internal dividing walls (not load-bearing);
  • opening or closing of doors and windows;
  • creation of swimming pools;
  • splitting or unification of real estate units that do not entail a change in the volume of the properties and the intended use.

Work can begin on the day of the presentation of the CILA.


When the works concern instead structural interventionswhich lead to an increase in real estate units andnincrease in urban planning parameters it is necessary to present the certified notification of the start of activity. The SCIA can be presented at the One-stop shop for construction or electronically and the works can start on the same day. The administration has 30 days of time to carry out the necessary checks and, if necessary, to block the works or request that they be adapted to current legislation.

Tax breaks and bonuses

If you do work on Extraordinary maintenanceyou can take advantage of tax breaks and bonuses, both for interventions on your property and on common parts of residential buildings.

Fiscal detraction: restructuring bonus

The Budget Law 2020 extended the tax deduction for extraordinary maintenance works until 31 December 2020 (restructuring bonus 2020). It’s about a deduction from the personal income tax of 50%of the expenses incurred, from the 26 June 2012 al 31 December 2020, up to a maximum spend of 96.000 euro per real estate unit. The deduction is broken down into 10 annual fees of the same amount. For more information on how the deduction works and the documents necessary to use it, please visit the website Revenue Agencies.

VAT facilitated at 10%

For the provision of services related to extraordinary maintenance works made on residential properties and for the purchase of certain goods, reduced VAT will be applied to the 10%. To benefit from the reduced VAT on goods, remember that the purchase must be made by the company to which you commission the work. The company (after you have submitted a request to your local municipality at the single construction desk and provided certification to that effect) will then issue the invoice, charging the cost of materials and labor with a 10% VAT applied. The facilitation it concerns the following goods:

  • lifts and elevators;
  • internal and external fixtures;
  • boilers;
  • video intercoms;
  • air conditioning and recycling equipment;
  • sanitary ware and taps for bathrooms;
  • security systems.

If you wish to receive an accurate advice,also by telephone or WhatsApp, eveninformally contact us. We at LaClà have been exclusively dealing with sectional garage doors since 1998, although we have been handling fixtures since 1976.

We have now exceeded our wildest forecasts, thanks to your references in fact, we installed over 8000 gates throughout Sardinia. Visit our website www.laclasrl.it to get you an idea.

Our product meets the current legislation and falls within the deductions described. If you meet the described requirements, we will submit the request to ENEA ourselves. (Extraordinary Maintenance Request for the recovery of the 50% of the expenses incurred).